~ Natural Health Enterprises ~

Natural Health for Being Really Well

trusted information, products and service since 1975 ~ online since 1995

(secure ordering and payment processing)

Super Foods Nutrition  ~  Immune Support  ~  Detoxification

Water & Air Purification  ~  Relief & Good Vibrations  ~  Holistic Education

Natural Health Store Online  ~  Menu of Health Concerns  ~  Contact Us

~ Order Page ~

Phone: 330-920-9820, or toll-free: 1-800-542-1923


Super Foods Nutrition


Northern Edge Superior Organic Milled Flax Seed

organic milled flaxseed

lowest in cadmium, lead, etc. ~ highest oil & ALA

the purest, most nutritious flax seed in the world!

be smarter & calmer with less inflammation & better elimination

excellent for survival food storage



Delicious Greens 8000

antioxidant superfoods

Antioxidant Super Foods Nutrition Drink Mix

8000 ORAC antioxidant units + 20 fruit & veggie servings per scoop!

Feel the healthy difference with this super nutrition drink mix!



Organic Turmeric

antioxidant super spice ~ bulk powder

recommended by nearly all natural health advocates



PollenAid Flower Pollen Extract

health help + extra energy

+ reproductive gland support for men & women

a favorite of Olympic & Pro Athletes

(vegan - not taken from bees)


Save With

ReallyWell Natural Health Packs

Restore Good Health with Detoxification & Super Food Nutrition



Immune Resistance Assistance


Larrea Extract

(Now Available Again)

"resistance assistance" + detox + pain relief

If you want to be well, try Larrea-Clear extract.

Larrea Tridentata (chaparral)

Larrea tridentata, aka "Chaparral"



"Vitamin O" ~ Oxygen

Increase body oxygen for immune assistance + healthy benefits.



Resistance Pack

a great combo for resistance assistance


Larrea-Clear + Vitamin O, 4 fl. oz



Molecula Silver

advanced nano silver ~ effective counter to invaders throughout the body



Colostrum 70/40®

natural immune restoration



Lauricidin® Monolaurin

natural immunity assistance




If you want to be healthy, you have to get the poisons out.


Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay

pure bentonite clay powder

pull out & detoxify accumulated poisons



ReallyWell Detox Pack

1 flax, 1 clay, 1 Vitamin O

cleanse the colon ~ detox the tissues ~ reduce inflammation ~ improve health



Herbs, Herbal Products & Information

Ginseng             Essential Oils



Far Infrared Ray Lamps & Sauna


sweat out toxins & revive health



Water & Air Purification


Purify Your Water

water purifiers         shower & bath purifiers

Remove Poisons & Microbes From Your Water

Superior Water Purifiers & Cartridges ~ Avoid Bottled Water



Purify Your Air

ozone + negative ions purify air & water



Relief & Good Vibrations


Protection from EMF & Wi-Fi Harm

we are living in a sea of artificial frequencies




get relief with these amazing sulfur compounds



Hitachi Magic Wand

"wonderful relief"

and other massager tools



Piezo Deluxe

Beneficial Energy Treatment Pen



Magnetic Items

magnets for relief & relaxation



Holistic Education


Natural Health Portal to Wellness

Holistic Learning Module

If you don't like illness, why not prevent or get rid of it?

If you don't like aging, why not lessen it?

~ free of charge! ~

information and outstanding resources selected by

Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.

holistic educator, researcher, philosopher & author

author of the 1970's classic -

Nutrition, Health & Harmony: A Handbook of Natural Health

plus numerous additional books, articles and audio-visual recordings


The Holistic Principles of Natural Health Wellness

Most health problems are due to the one underlying dis-ease, distress of the organism. The causes are toxicity, nutritional deficiency, stress and inactivity. With holistic natural living, minimizing stress and toxins, illness can be reduced or eliminated.

The principles of natural health wellness are detoxification, life supportive nourishment, exercise and relaxation of tension, including good sleep and spiritual attunement. With help from super foods, herbs, and other natural health aids, good health can be restored.

Detoxify, nourish, exercise and relax. These principles of natural health wellness are greater wisdom for being really well.

-- Jon David Miller


Yeswise Education Service

holistic learning for well-being



Holistic Learning Modules

~ free of  charge! ~


Holistic Consultations & Seminars

~ by appointment ~


with Jon David Miller, M.A., M.Div.

holistic educator, researcher, philosopher & author

natural health wellness ~ human nature ~ economics ~ history ~ philosophy



Yeswise Insights

 informative blog-casts of awareness, reality and well-being

Video (4:56): "Natural Health Wellness"

"The deeper you dig and the higher you climb, the more you will learn."




Jon's eBooks ~ About Jon


Grandfather Jon's Homemade Song Videos

Grandfather Jon is recording homemade, close-up videos with his phone, practice performances of original songs. Enjoy the social analysis and life insights of holistic philosophy and thought expressed in these creative songs as they are occasionally improved. Jon is a longtime storyteller, songwriter and performer of acoustic music - blues, ballads, life and inspiration.



Other Items


Amish Lifestyle Videos

from Ohio's Beautiful Amish Country



Order a "Resurrection Plant"

springs back to life from dead dry!



Give the Gift of Better Natural Health.




NOTE: You can purchase the products presented at any of our websites with confidence of their quality and of the integrity of the companies that provide them.

Contact us if you have a question or comment.


Please Visit our related websites: -- Superior Organic Flax Seed -- Top Quality Herbal Info & Products

 -- Effective Affordable Water Purification - Be Prepared -- Learning Modules -- Audio-Video Blog Archives & Resources


Natural Health Enterprises

trusted information, products and service

since 1975 ~ online since 1995

45+ years in the natural health field

25+ years online

330-920-9820 ~ Toll Free in USA: 800-542-1923

10 am - 5 pm Eastern Time, Monday-Friday

If you have a question or comment, CLICK HERE to contact us.


DISCLAIMER: The information provided at Natural Health Enterprises and Life Circle Media websites is for educational and entertainment purposes. Statements made have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended for diagnosis, treatment or advice for any disease, nor as a substitute for the services of a qualified professional of any type.






Live Really Well

Natural Health Enterprises

trusted information, products & service since 1975

Copyright 1999-2024 by Natural Health Enterprises -- All rights reserved.

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