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DVD Videos of Amish Lifestyle

from Ohio’s renowned Amish country


(originally $19.95 each)

only $5.75 each

~ all three for just $14.93 ~

~ free postage ~

(previously sold in Parade Magazine and The Wireless Catalog, also seen on PBS)


Amish Life ~ 60 minutes  ~ $5.75

~ free postage ~

Discover what the Amish are like, their quiet home life, religious values, simple habits and lifestyle, from their early beginnings. Learn the details and complexities of the Amish faith and culture, including child rearing, courtship, religious practices, quilting, living without electricity, automobiles or telephones, and operating farmsteads and other businesses in an older fashion. View hundreds of beautiful country scenes through all four seasons, with authoritative narration by Amish and Mennonite historians.


Amish at Work ~ 35 minutes ~ $5.75

~ free postage ~

Work is a form of worship for the Amish. They demonstrate their love of God by serving others. Their vocations are done with great care, which is why “Amish made” is associated with quality and integrity.

Wherever the Amish have migrated to, the prosperity of the area has improved due to their craftsmanship and stewardship of the land. Unemployment is unheard of in their self-sufficient society.

You have a privileged rare opportunity to watch Amish working in places off limits to tourists, employing traditional skills such as tree harvesting with draft horses, saw milling, furniture making, blacksmithing, farming, quilting and more.


Amish Children ~ 35 minutes ~ $5.75

~ free postage ~

Visitors to Amish country are fascinated with the children in their homemade simple clothing, amusing themselves without radio, television, video games, computers or telephones.

Enjoy vignettes of Amish boys and girls at school and home, playing and doing chores, learning humility, honesty, faith, charity and self-responsibility in a land of windmills and buggies.


Complete Set of Three Amish Lifestyle DVD Videos


~ free postage ~

Enjoy over two hours of exploration of the Amish lifestyle that even tourists to Amish country do not get to witness. Relax for a journey to a beautiful quiet corner of America reminiscent of a Currier & Ives or Norman Rockwell painting.


produced by E.I.V. Video Productions

distributed as a program of

Yeswise Education Service



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Natural Health Enterprises

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